About Us

Chemical Solutions In BD

We Are chemical Source Bangladesh

We have best chemical solutions

About the Company

Chemical Source Bangladesh has been established for National & International Chemical Markets through which Manufacturer to end user can be benefitted vice versa. Bangladesh Textile Industries, Leather Goods Industries, Medicine Industries and so many other industries are flourishing where Chemicals are the raw materials. Most of the time we are dependable on the import of the chemicals. Billions of dollars are going out of our country each year for importing Chemicals.

Chemicals Source Bangladesh has been working as bridge among the Manufacturer, Suppliers, Importers and End users. We have a strong relationship with clients by giving a quick response from the Authentic Source and Trade Channels. There is always a gap we observe among the people of industries starting from the procurement team to management to the production people. An authentic Source can help you in this regards. That’s why we are here to help you all.

Why we are important to you!

What we do!

  • Reliable Source of Chemicals – Suppliers, Traders, Manufacturers
  • Textile Industries Based Chemicals solutions
  • Leather Industries Chemicals Solutions
  • Indenting – Helping you in sourcing the right product from outside of our countries